Great Lakes Guardianship Services Board

The Great Lakes Guardianship Services Board (GLGSB) will provide guardianship services in Hancock, Wood and Ottawa Counties, Ohio beginning in mid-2024.

The Board, serving the citizens and residents of the Ohio counties of Hancock, Wood, and Ottawa, accomplishes its mission by receiving appointments by the Probate Courts of Hancock, Wood and Ottawa counties to serve as guardians of the person, or person and estate, of incompetent adults under ORC 2111.02. Services include but are not limited to, involuntary commitment proceedings and the establishment and management of adult guardianships.

Next Meeting:

A meeting of the Personnel Committee of the Great Lakes Guardianship Services Board will be held on May 10, 2024, at 12:00 pm at Wood County County Department of Job and Family Services.

1928 E. Gypsy Lane Rd.
Bowling Green, Ohio 43402